Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Do things that make you happy!!!
As soon as you wake up in the morning put on your iPod or walkman choose you favourite music and take a walk. While on this walk get really grateful for everything every wonderful thing that you have in your life. Think of your family, think of your friends, think of your health, think of your opportunities, notice the trees, the fresh air, the children playing, the sun rising, the birds singing in the trees, the look of the season, the sound of the milkman, the scent of the cut grass, feel your heart beating and your legs moving - what a miracle your body is! What a miracle your body is to keep moving without you even noticing. Take a deep breath and realise the freedom and the choices you have in your life then start to tell yourself everything that you love, everything that you love about you, everything you love about your life I mean it. Say it with a passion, say it with belief.
What do the army do when they go for a run when its dark and its wet and they have done six miles they've still got 11 miles to go what does the sergeant say to them that they need to do? That’s right they start to sing, they start to chant, they start to chant positive giving cantations over and over again. What do we do when with our friends - we start to sing. What do we do when we are feeling great? We start to sing. Why do the army sing over and over again? It’s because the army have to do the stuff that works to save lives, and you know what if positive singing is good enough for the army then it should be good enough for me. It should be good enough for us. See your brain does not know the difference between what it vividly imagines, and what is reality.
Your brain does not know the difference between what it vividly imagines and what is reality, in other words first thing in the morning tell your brain what it wants to hear and it will start to believe it. Tell your brain what it wants to hear and your brain will start to believe it.
Let me share an example of this with you.
Do you remember Pythagoras theorem from school, no neither do I. Now here is another question, do you remember Jingle Bells? Sing Jingle Bells yeah of course you can sing jingle bells, which came first in your life Pythagoras or Jingle Bells? Well of course it was Jingle Bells, and how long we are going to remember that nursery rhyme for? Why do we remember Jingle Bells over Pythagoras? Simple we sung Jingle Bells over and over and over again and we enjoyed the process so you remembered it and you felt great about it, and one needs to guess that Pythagoras did not have the same effect when you first learnt it then Jingle Bells did.
How would you feel you walked along the road for the next 24 hours and you called yourself a loser? Over and over and over again you called a loser you complained about the weather? You get too many emails, your football is awful, they could do better, that you could do better that it is raining that’s not fair and why did they do that me and why did they do that them. That your team in work are incompetent, that everybody is an idiot, what chances do you have of success when we tell ourselves that we are losing the game of life. How many of us tell our brains the right stuff everyday so we get really grateful for our lives. Let’s start knowing that we are truly blessed, because when we are grateful we are RICH.
To find out more about Craig's work visit his website - or email him with your questions about your own team/organisation. -
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
See The Opportunity
One thing I have realised while working with the amazing people I have been lucky to spend my time with is that so many people have fantastic beliefs and aspirations yet they are put off from pursuing these beliefs by others. Remember this - every time your heart tells you something feels right, there will be someone that tells you that you should not do it. They will find a way for you to stay where you are in life, they will feed you with all sorts of reasons as why you shouldn’t have this or shouldn’t do this or why you must not follow your dreams or you must not seek opportunities that you know that you deserve. Reasons such as you are too busy or it is too hard to do it or it won’t work or it won’t work for you or success is meant for other people or you don’t have the skills or to make the opportunity into reality your are not fast enough or strong enough etc etc!
They do anything to takeaway your energy so that they do not have to feel inferior to you. When you realise your potential the world is full of people who are comfortable with seeing other people feel pain to make their small lives look and feel better.
When we hang around with small minded negative thinkers, they tend to squash our ability to see opportunities. In short hang around with successful people.
Essentially there are two elements that makeup a human being, that is our genetics and our environment. How we create our environment has a massive impact on whether we can see opportunities, and if we act on them.
To see opportunities we need to look after our feelings our values, we need to live our values and our thoughts, our beliefs to really be aware of the outside world. This is why the East have been concentrating on meditation mind and body focus. That is why they find enlightenment for thousands of years. In the East they understand that both of our values and beliefs in our internal world drive the behaviours in our outside world. Almost everything that we create in our outside world, our office, our friends, our home, our sport, almost everything that we create in our outside world starts with a thought or a feeling in our inside world.
Think about it.
Who chooses your friends? You do, based on a feeling internally when you first meet your friends.
Who chooses your partner? You, based on a feeling internally when you first meet your partner.
Who chooses what you eat? You, based on a feeling internally when you sample the food.
Who chooses your hobbies, interests, sports? You, based on a belief internally guided by what you think you can achieve or master.
Here are some essential tools to make sure that you look after yourself, so you are strong enough to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell opportunities in your external world. Here is how to look after yourself internally so your external world flourishes.
1 Eat well.
2 Read a lot, read a lot of books.
3 Spend time with the right people.
4 Take regular exercise.
5 Take some risks and analyse every outcome you possibly can.
6 Take time on your own to reflect and be at peace with your self.
7 Laugh a great deal.
8 Hug as much as possible, give as much love as possible.
9 Play hard, play as much as possible in your life.
10 Get grateful for what we already have in our lives.
11 Set great goals.
12 Speak positively about your life, your plans, your dreams and your friends.
“Remember a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity and an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” – Sir Winston Churchill
To find out more about Craig Goldblatt's work or to book him to work with your organisation - contact him at
Or have a look at Craig's website
Friday, January 18, 2008
Sales Success - The final stages!
So now you are in front of the client and your presentation is about to begin - below are a few points to bear in mind:
- When using a laptop or projector, use a pen to draw attention to specific areas of the screen
- Avoid death by Powerpoint. The customer's attention should focus on what you have to offer, not the visual aids you have at your disposal.
- Where appropriate send the presentation disc to the host's IT department to check its operation in advance - and take 2 spares on the day.
- Make the presentation personalised to the client and adapt it to their needs. A generic pitch delivered to anyone who will listen is uninspiring! This also gives you prime opportunity to demonstrate the information you found out in the planning and preparation stage.
- Use one good story during your presentation - it will act as a memory hook for the client and he may tell others about you.
And now onto completion -
- Before concluding - establish the next step. Don't end a meeting with the customer saying they will contact you at a time not determined in the meeting.
- Establish that the customer is satisfied that your product meets his requirements. If not, seek to resolve the issue.
- Aim to leave price discussion to the end of the negotiation - and be confident about the price you give.
- Use a contract to close the sale and be confident in your handling of the contract.
- After the sale offer any related products or services which provide value to the customer.
I'd love to hear from you about your own experiences with sales - do drop me an email to craig@craiggoldblatt. Have a phenomenal weekend in the meantime!
Warmest regards
Craig Goldblatt is a renowned speaker on the UK and European circuits and works with thousands of top executives each year to improve the performance of their organisations. He talks on not just sales but also harnessing human potential to get great results in a company. He is passionate about his subject matter and his energy is infectious as he involves everyone in his presentation. Take a look at Craig's website to get a taster of the work he does!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Creating Sales Success - Meeting a Prospective Client
So the saying goes! It is most definitely true to say that you only get one chance to make a first impression, but you have prepared well, done your research about the prospective client and laid a professional framework, all ready for the actual meeting. So here now is some advice I have always taken into account when you are in front of the client.
- Be on time and stick to the time agreed for the meeting.
- Environment matters! If you are meeting out of the office, you may wish to reserve a room - you will find it more difficult to sell standing up in a busy reception area.
- Dress well.
- Where practical sit next to the client rather than across a barrier such as desk
- Begin by confirming the agenda and check to see if the client wants to add anything.
- Be thorough in confirming the client's needs and keep these at the forefront of your mind.
- Allow the customer to sell his product before you begin selling yours.
- Enquire about competition and current suppliers.
- Be crisp and clear in your presentation - use your voice for impact and effect - altering the pace of speech for example
- Be excited about your product!
- Never assume the customer knows anything about your product - check their understanding regularly.
- Body language is so important and is key to a successful conclusion. You cannot sell with your hands behind your back.
- Eye contact is vital. Talk to your customer - not at them.
Tomorrow we will look at content of your presentation and completion of the sale!
Have a truly successful day!
Warmest regards
If you would like to talk to Craig about his work or book him to work with your organisation plesae email him at There is a lot more information on Craig's website
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Initial Approach to New Clients
- Cold calling is far more effective if run alongside a successful marketing campaign.
- Focus on creating AIDA - Awareness that you exist in the market place, Interest in your product, Desire to do business with you, Action to place the order.
- Phone the customer to introduce yourself, and offer to sent further information.
- Always make sure it s convenient for the customer to talk
- Keep phone calls simple and to the point, free of waffle and thank the customer for taking your call.
- After an introductory phone call, write a letter that explains who you are and what you do.
- Follow up with a phone call and an offer to mail a product brochure.
- Having created Awareness and Interest, phone for an appointment
- Send appointment details to the customer ahead of time, along with your agenda. the ground will have been well prepared for your face-to-face visit.
- Never ignore a secretary or PA - they have influence.
You are now ready to meet your new prospect, the sale is in sight! Check tomorrow's blog for my tips on how to make that meeting a huge success!
Warmest Regards
Craig Goldblatt is a hugely successful speaker on the UK and European circuit. He inspires and motivates people with his energy and passion for his subject matter. To talk to him about how he can help your organisation achieve greater success contact him on
If you would like to purchase the complete set of Craig's Sales tips in a handy sized booklet - please either email Craig or visit his website
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Planning and preparing for success with new clients
Today I am going to give you some tips about planning and preparing to see a potential, or existing, client. This is the crucial stage for proving your professionalism and if done correctly will set you apart from the competition.
- Aim to read or listen to 30 minutes of motivational literature every day
- Ensure customers can contact you and purchase product through your website
- Set personal and business short, medium and long term goals
- Establish sales targets - daily, weekly, monthly and annual.
- Plot your sales versus targets on a chart to provide motivation to esceed targets
- Always focus on the benefits you offer clients
- Build an appointment sheet to track progress and use a simple call cycle to make sure you call your customers when promised
- Maintain an organised client database
- Ensure that the order processing procedure is simple.
- Set an allocated time to make phone calls
- Ensure that your working environment is tidyand set up for efficient working
- Start each day with 5 minutes of planning to get the optimum from your time and to save you hours
- Plan appointments geographically
- Identify the decision maker as early on as possible
- Know your customer - look at their website and have a look at a recent set of accounts
- Establish a goal for every visit even if you are just dropping in on an existing customer
- After every call write down one thing you did and one thing that you did not do so well. This will help to develop your technique.
Tomorrow we will look at lead generation and making that initial approach to a prospective client.
If you would like to see the booklet which includes all my great sales tips, please visit my website and click on the product section.
If you would like further details about my work and how I could really help the bottom line of your organisation please email me at
Warmest regards
Monday, January 14, 2008
Success with New Clients
Over the course of this week I am going to talk you through my 75 great sales tips starting today with PR and Credibility.
- Use PR to establish your credibility and seek to be recognised as an expert in your field
- Write columns in local trade magazines and newspapers
- Phone local radio stations and arrange to do talk shows in your field
- Take any opportunity to be interviewed by a journalist
- If you are accredited to any organisations that are well regarded in your field or if you have won any external awards within your sector, or if you have appeared in print or interviews, let prospective customers know!
- Ask satisfied customers to express their satisfaction in letters, which should be carried in a testimonial folder.
- Build brand awareness from the beginning. Ensure that there is consistency through all your material, from your brochure to business cards.
- Encourage senior colleagues or associates to join you on client visits
- Always carry your business cards and distribute them freely.
- Always provide information about your products to colleagues and acquaintances.
Tomorrow we will look at the all important, but often overlooked stage of planning and preparation.
If you would like to buy a copy of my 75 Great Sales Tips please visit the product section of my website
If you would like to book me to work with your organisation email me
Warmest Regards
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Take the Opportunity
Here are some essential tools to make sure you look after yourself so you are strong enough to see, hear, feel, taste and smell opportunities:
Eat well
Read a great deal
Spend time with the right people
Take regular exercise
Take some risks and analyse the outcome
Take time on your own to reflect and be at peace
Laugh a great deal
Hug as much as possible
Love as much as possible
Play as much as possible.
Get grateful for what we already have
Set goals
Speak positively about your life, your plans, your dreams and your friends.
I'd love to talk to you about ways of maximising your potential as well as those around you within your organisation. Email me -
Warmest regards
Monday, January 07, 2008
Get Sales people selling!!
In the work I do everyday with clients from all industries, we explore the dynamics between the company and its customers, we identify buying signals and how to respond. Additionally, we look at the person doing the selling - what do they want from their job - what motivates them to reach for greater goals each day? Attitude is a pivotal aspect of all client facing situations and it needs to be a fantastic attitude to ensure initial and repeated sales and brand loyalty.
To find out more about how i can help your organisation, please contact me at or visit my website
Warmest regards
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Get Moving!
But exercise should not be a once a year choice to be forgotten by the time January ends - as humans we need to move more than we do - even for those who do a couple of exercise sessions a week - sitting down all day at a desk does nothing for our ability to be focussed on our jobs or motivation to be fantastic! We have the need for exercise, and when this need is not fulfilled, we pay a price. We were not made to be inactive, sitting in front of a computer all day. We were made to run after an antelope for lunch, or run away from a lion so that we don't become lunch. We frustrate a physical need when we don't exercise, and when we frustrate a need - of vitamins, proteins, or exercise - we pay a price for it.
It doesn't have to be arduous or formalised (save that for the trips to the swimming pool, aerobic class, gym session etc), but take the obvious choices - walk around every so often - if you work at home and your kids have a trampoline - use it! If they don't or you haven't got kids - buy a trampette. when you sit back at your desk you will feel better - and you will be more motivated towards your work. How many of us have sat pondering an issue at our desk and frustrated at the lack of inspiration have gone to get a drink or gone to lunch only to find that while we walk along the solution comes to us? Movement gets the blood pumping around the body and therefore more oxygen to the brain - try it - it works!
For more motivational ideas for your organisation - why not book me to deliver a two and a half hour talk - its packed with ideas and is interactive with the audience - they will come out firing to succeed!! Contact me at
How to have a Happy New Year
In my workshops I talk a lot about focussing on what is good in our lives - getting grateful as I call it . To start each day with a few minutes of reflection on what is good in our lives - our families, friends, good health etc is a truly positive way of motivating ourselves for the day ahead - far better than spending the same few minutes mulling over the dreaded phone calls we have to make that day! We can all think of times when we have had something bad happen - a job loss or illness - and we then become very grateful for what we do have. We need to maintain this gratitude by reflecting on it every day and make this process a way of life.
Tomorrow I will talk more about some of the tools I recommend in my workshops for improving your success at work and in other areas of your life.
If you would like further information about about my workshops please email me at
For more detail about my work please visit us at:
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Blog Archive
- Do things that make you happy!!!
- See The Opportunity
- Sales Success - The final stages!
- Creating Sales Success - Meeting a Prospective Client
- The Initial Approach to New Clients
- Planning and preparing for success with new clients
- Success with New Clients
- Take the Opportunity
- Get Sales people selling!!
- Get Moving!
- How to have a Happy New Year