Monday, March 03, 2008

Being Comfortable In Business Sucks!

How do we get the best out of learning?

In order to change and develop and therefore grow we need to get uncomfortable enough to facilitate that process.

Whilst being comfortable is important for us to be relaxed enough to contemplate change, if we are totally comfortable with all areas of our lives - why would you to change in the first place?!

So make the decision about which areas you would like to make a difference in/to and accept that the feeling of discomfort you get when you think about it is the positive force you need - the catalyst - to making the shift. This will help you make that decisive move to challenge yourself - challenge enables us to get energy and a belief in our own abilities. Think of the child who sees others riding a bike without stabilisers - they feel uncomfortable and take that decision that they want to develop that skill and they focus on it like mad until one day they wobble off down the road unaided and as they cycle more they get stronger and better until riding a bike is second nature. When they get off their bike having riden it for the first time they invariably run and jump and depending on the child engage in any number of seemingly life threatening activities! The energy their body has been fuelled by comes directly from accomplishing their goal - they did it by the power of focus and a sentiment that going out on the road with stabilisers on their bike made then feel uncomfortable - they made the shift.

Have you noticed that using the child analogy again - once a child can ride a bike they don't settle with that they set their sights on another accomplishment - somthing else that challenges their feeling of comfort. Don't let that go away just because you are no longer at primary school! Keep striving and challenging yourself and your business and enjoy the fulfilment it brings!

Be Successful in whatever you set out to do!

Warmest regards


Craig Goldblatt is a successful UK speaker - to discuss how he can help your organisation contact him at

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