Thursday, February 12, 2009

6 weeks in to 2009

So here we are - 6 weeks in to 2009 - are you going to succeed this year? What are your rules you have committed to live by in 2009? What do you believe the world will create for you in 2009 or put another way, what will you create for the world in 2009?

We all have our beliefs - some more powerful than others.

During 9/11 thousands of people ran from the Twin Towers in New York to save themselves - a very small group of heroic fire fighters ran into the buildings to save others!

Over 50 years ago Roger Bannister ran a 4-minute mile for the first time in history. This was in spite of opinion at the time suggesting the feat was impossible -one even went as far as to say that the human heart would explode at this speed! Roger Bannister knew in his heart that his aspiration was achievable and on May 6th 1954 he proved it and the world took note!

Anyone who achieves anything in life does it because they know it can be done.

What are you going to make your beliefs this year? Whatever it is believe in your excellence - don't be swayed by the opinion of others with less conviction. Go for it and make this an awesome year!

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."
Roger Bannister

Warmest wishes

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