Thursday, January 17, 2008

Creating Sales Success - Meeting a Prospective Client

"If you are not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm" .

So the saying goes! It is most definitely true to say that you only get one chance to make a first impression, but you have prepared well, done your research about the prospective client and laid a professional framework, all ready for the actual meeting. So here now is some advice I have always taken into account when you are in front of the client.

  • Be on time and stick to the time agreed for the meeting.

  • Environment matters! If you are meeting out of the office, you may wish to reserve a room - you will find it more difficult to sell standing up in a busy reception area.

  • Dress well.

  • Where practical sit next to the client rather than across a barrier such as desk

  • Begin by confirming the agenda and check to see if the client wants to add anything.

  • Be thorough in confirming the client's needs and keep these at the forefront of your mind.

  • Allow the customer to sell his product before you begin selling yours.

  • Enquire about competition and current suppliers.

  • Be crisp and clear in your presentation - use your voice for impact and effect - altering the pace of speech for example

  • Be excited about your product!

  • Never assume the customer knows anything about your product - check their understanding regularly.

  • Body language is so important and is key to a successful conclusion. You cannot sell with your hands behind your back.

  • Eye contact is vital. Talk to your customer - not at them.

Tomorrow we will look at content of your presentation and completion of the sale!

Have a truly successful day!

Warmest regards


If you would like to talk to Craig about his work or book him to work with your organisation plesae email him at There is a lot more information on Craig's website

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