Thursday, January 10, 2008

Take the Opportunity

In order for us to seek opportunities in our lives it is important where we are physically however we will never see the wood from the trees if we cannot open our eyes!

Here are some essential tools to make sure you look after yourself so you are strong enough to see, hear, feel, taste and smell opportunities:

Eat well
Read a great deal
Spend time with the right people
Take regular exercise
Take some risks and analyse the outcome
Take time on your own to reflect and be at peace
Laugh a great deal
Hug as much as possible
Love as much as possible
Play as much as possible.
Get grateful for what we already have
Set goals
Speak positively about your life, your plans, your dreams and your friends.

I'd love to talk to you about ways of maximising your potential as well as those around you within your organisation. Email me -

Warmest regards

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